Loan Officers
Loans, Loans, Loans! I'm sure you have seen many loan ads, including TV commercials and internet sites.....all trying to get your mortgage loan or refinance! Well, I have too. After years of experience in the business, I have learned that my clients get the best treatment, best rates and no surprises at the closing table when using local and trusted lenders. You are welcome to shop around and find a lender that you like, but you may also want to call the lenders I have listed. My clients have only good things to say about them! Give them a call!
Toby Binkley, Highlands Residential Mortgage - 832-567-5000 CLICK HERE to contact Toby
Chris Basso - NRL Mortgage - 281-377-8051 - CLICK HERE TO CONTACT CHRIS
Steve Curtis, NRL Mortgage - 832-699-8804 - CLICK HERE TO CONTACT STEVE